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15 July, 2019

Introducing coding to the next generation of researchers

The AARNet eResearch team has been on the road this past month, running training sessions at RezBaz events around the country.

Research Bazaar (ResBaz) is a worldwide festival promoting the digital literacy emerging at the centre of modern research. Throughout 2019 events are being held at a number of university campuses around the globe. Our eResearch team represented AARNet at ResBaz in Perth and Brisbane in early July, running training workshops for entry level participants with low or no coding skills.

These ‘Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks’ workshops were held in both cities and reached a broad range of researchers and university support staff keen on learning new skills and broadening their knowledge of digital tools and methods.

Accessing AARNet’s CloudStor service was the first step into learning more about the services offered in the CloudStor environment, including one terabyte of free storage available for each researcher (to the delight of those new to CloudStor!).

Participants learnt how to access Jupyter Notebooks integrated with CloudStor, using some basic coding to create datasets and a dictionary, as well as pulling in a large dataset via a CloudStor public link. Many of the participants had never used coding before but with lots of encouragement and a bit of fun they were able to gain confidence in their abilities and see how such a tool could be very useful in their future research.

Both events were full of energy, lots of sharing and encouragement, with a focus on being inclusive and helpful especially to Research Higher Degree students just starting out on their research.

We’ve been involved in RezBaz for the past four years and find it a great way for us to face to face with the users of our services – there’s no better way to see what enthuses people, what distracts them and how we might help them better.

ResBaz Sydney is coming up in September – hope see you there!