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AARNet and Globus working together to make data sharing easier for Australian researchers
10 May, 2022

GlobusWorld 2022

10-12 May | Chicago & online

Provides new insights into managing research data and storage at scale, as well as building cutting-edge data portals and science gateways.

GlobusWorld brings together researchers, systems administrators, developers and IT leaders from top research computing centers, national labs, federal agencies, and universities around the world.

Through tutorials and presentations, engage with the Globus team, international partners, and other Globus users to discuss practical experiences and learnings that will help you design and implement solutions that best meet your researchers' needs.

AARNet will be participating in a session during the event.

  • Globus "Down Under": Tuesday 10 May at 10:30 am CDT

More information

To find out more about GlobusWorld 2022, or to register for the event, visit the GlobusWorld website.