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Gnag at apan56 feature
14 August, 2023

Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) update at APAN56

Find out more about the GNA-G at the upcoming APAN56 conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka and online.

The Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) is a community of network professionals from national and regional research and education network organisations (RENs) from all over the world.

We’re pleased to announce that the next GNA-G meeting will be held on 23 August 2023 during the Network Engineering Workshop - Network Technology session at APAN56 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

During this meeting we will share results from the GNA-G working groups and host a discussion with REN participants as a follow on from the TNC23 side meeting held in June. The discussion will cover key areas of R&E network development and innovation, including topics relating to intercontinental connectivity, automation, and big science requirements.

The meeting is open to anyone in the R&E community with an interest in R&E networking. Our goal is to spread the word about GNA activities to R&E network colleagues who were unable to attend the TNC23 meeting and gather input and alignment on a coherent strategy.

You can attend the meeting in person or online.

View the meeting agenda

Register via the APAN56 website. (Note online participation requires a paid registration of USD$50.)

Learn more about the GNA-G